Old Grandora highway, the road washed away here in the spring, they finally fixed it enough to drive one. Pretty windy out today, some nice waves on the water.
My baby girl Kelsey. She was 10 months old this day.
Austin hamming it up, sure is bigger then in the previous post (three years back). They grow up so fast, blink and you will miss it.
Well it's been over three years since I last posted in here. I feel bad about that, but jobs, school and kids have a way of taking up a lot of time. I recently got an Iphone and it has a pretty decent camera, it's rekindled a little of my love for snapping pictures and made me think about this blog enough to remember my old passwords and login. I quit posting here for several reasons, one was just a lack of time. Another one was having Austin we didn't want a lot of personal pictures and details on here for security issues. Now that I have resurrected this I will be staying away from more private details and pictures as much as possible. Anyway with that out of the way, here is a short synopsis of what has happened in the last three years.
-I quit my job working for the vac truck company and went to school for a machinist, I did very well at that in school, really learned a lot and morphed from someone who had very little math skills to someone with above average math skills. (can you tell that is what I am most proud of?)
-I got a job working at a machine shop, it was horrible, I realized I hate working inside and the pay was pitiful.
-Tina and I had our second child, a sweet little girl named Kelsey in December last year.
- Just before we had Kelsey I quit at the machine shop and got a job as an operator on a hydrovac truck, I did this for about 6 months.
-While doing the previously mentioned job I was being called by my old vac truck company who was looking for workers. I quit at the hydrovac company and went back there as a supervisor, been doing that ever since.
-Around when Kelsey was born we bought our first house, it's a 1100 sq foot townhouse, close to everything including a really nice city leisure facility.
-I've began taking adult swimming lessons because I figured that by age 30 I should really learn how to swim finally.
I honestly haven't been riding a whole lot lately, About once a week in the summer. Last season I put on around 1600kms all year, this year has been a lot less, maybe 500-600kms. I'm a little out of shape for sure, but I still like to get out and next year when Kelsey is older I hope to be able to ride some more, or at least put her in the trailer and take her out (Austin has never been a huge fan of the trailer) I went riding today actually, the kids sleep in forever is seems and I wake up early, so I went out riding. It was cold (about 2C) and it started to rain/sleet about half way along. We live very close to two highways and I can cycle out my door and be outside the city in under 5 mins, it's very nice, lots of options for places to go. I did take some pics and video with the Iphone, hopefully they look okay.
As far as the blog here goes, I'd like to keep it up, but obviously I won't be updating it constantly like I used to, probably once a week at the most, but I promise some nice pics every time. :)
Please ride safe and have fun,