Sunday, September 24, 2006

At work again.

The flarestack at night, burning off H2S gas from the well, and hopefully keeping us safe.

The coil tubing injector being positioned over the well head.

At work: that's me on the left, Lloyd, the guy I'm riding with in the middle and another guy I started with; Rick, on the right.

Snowy roads on the way to Nordegg, this was only for about 45kms.

Our trucks on the oil lease, there is the nitrogen bulker truck on the left and our two pumper trucks beside it, with the "little" crew cab truck on the right. I drove the pumper truck second from the left to Blairmore Alberta and then my co-driver drove it here.

My car buried in snow at Mom and Dad's place in Nordegg.

Driving into Coleman, Alberta.

Some hunters looking for deer on the road into the oil lease.

I hoped to show everyone what it's like at work for me with this post. I'm really loving my job now, I'm catching on a bit better. Right now we are in Blairmore, Alberta and I'm writing this in my hotel room right now. We are here for a few days doing a job and it is beautiful here. I can't write too much because we have to head off pretty soon for our night shift, but hopefully the photos help show everyone why I like my new job. I can't really go in to specifics about the job because I wouldn't be allowed to. Ride safe and have fun.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sean!

Gotta love the "men in uniform" picture! The only thing is that you are the only one Anyway, it does look really nice where you are working right now. See ya soon :)


Aaron Patton said...

Hey Sean!

This is Aaron Patton, Richard Patton's son who worked at the store in Nordegg during the summer. You gave me a ride one day from Rocky. =)

Looks like you guys got a wicked snowfall. My dad was talking about it but it is nice to see it.

Say hi to your mom and dad from me.

Aaron Patton