Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy New Year!

Driving into Red Deer in the morning.

Tina out on Fish Lake before Christmas

Just took this a minute ago, looking out my motel window in Hinton, Alberta

Tina and Mom, walking on Fish Lake.

Another morning in Red Deer.

Snow/Ice covered Fish Lake, the weekend before Christmas.

Well I hope everyone has been enjoying my frequent updates. :) I guess I kind of fell behind here, not even a post around Christmas day. Well, now it's a new year and I figured it would be nice to start it off with a fresh post. Above you will find all the photos I've taken since my last post, which is a major reason I haven't wrote anything on here since November, just haven't taken any photos at all hardly. Since November I switched jobs twice, on Dec 13 I quit my job with BJ Services and went to work at Calac Trucking in Saskatoon delivering groceries. My job with Calac really didn't work out too well and resulted in me quiting after only 5 days of work, I won't get into what happened because it isn't appropriate to mention on a public site such as Blogger. I did get hired back at BJ Services and I'm currently almost halfway through my first two week shift. I really miss Tina and I was pretty disappointed that my opportunity in Saskatoon didn't work out better. I was awesome to be home and see her for most of December. I really don't know what's in store for me now, I'm really just plugging away and seeing what happens in the future. I know quite a few people read this in the past and I feel bad not keeping it up as well as I used to. I like to have photos for every post simply because people like looking at pictures and sometimes I don't think what I write is really interesting enough to capture people's attention. We'll have to see, I might throw in a few post that have no photos in the future. I'm currently in Hinton on day two of a standby, we were supposed to have two jobs today, but last night they got booted forward a day, so if the stars and planets are in perfect alignment, we may get to work tomorrow. I really don't mind one day off, but after that it gets pretty boring and I run out of stuff to do. I did bring some movies with me this time to watch on the laptop. I hate watching TV because it's usually just crap for programming, but with the laptop I can surf and watch movies, which makes me happy. I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas, I know that I did, got to spend a lot of time at home and with family, also got some pretty cool stuff for Christmas like a memory foam pillow (very comfy), a new coat, and a satellite radio. We went to a wedding New Years Eve in Porcupine Plain which was fun and then I left for Alberta on the 2ND of January to sign my papers and start working again. Have a Good New Year, I hope 2007 is a good year for everyone. Make sure you ride safe and remember to always have fun, check back for more soon!


Anonymous said...

Finally, we get to see something new on here! Man, I wish you didn't have to go back to Alberta, it was nice having you back home again! I love you and miss you very much!!

Love, Tina

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!
Best Wishes from K and B