Friday, May 18, 2007

A lot of photo's!

Mom and Dad took me to Shunda Creek one night north of the highway, very nice...

Another photo of the creek with the mountains in the background.

Kramer, looking cute as always and enjoying her walk.

Myself, looking like a weird hippy or something. :)

A pelican by the weir in Saskatoon, fishing.

Some new baby geese out for a swim with there parents on the river in Saskatoon.

My van with my bed in the back, doesn't look nice but it is comfy.

Tina and I walked down by the weir one of the days I was home, it was a nice day out so it seemed like a good idea.

Julian and Leo going for a ride with me.

My Burley and Julian's new Rans Stratus resting at Cranberry Flats.

My Crosman 2240 pellet gun, this thing really kills pop cans well, too well in fact as I have had to use tin cans because the pop cans are so full of holes you can't tell whether you hit them or not. :) Kids must play right?

Well I'm back at work again now and I finally got up the ambition to post on here. When I was home last it was very nice so I went cycling again, first time in many months. The first day I went with Leo and Julian to Cranberry Flats, about 25kms, it was a nice ride and I discovered that I'm really not in that bad of shape after all, could stand to lose 50lbs, but not bad other then that. The second day Leo and I went for a loop around by the Berry Barn and back into Saskatoon on Highway 7, this was a little longer of a ride, around 55kms, again I felt a little tired at the end of the ride but really had no problems at all. The Burley worked really well and I seem to have my chain skipping problem fixed with a new cassette on the back and some chain lube. Not much to mention besides that. At work I did my first job all by myself and it was a 5 hour drive from Red Deer to boot. I did a small job on the Cold Lake Weapons Range with a truck I hadn't run in many months, I was really nervous but it turned out that I had nothing to be nervous about as the job went really smooth for me, I guess I'm either not half bad at this nitrogen stuff or just plain lucky. :) Anyway ride safe and have fun until next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww, Sean...!! You forget to tell everyone about your evening out at Cirque Du Soleil with CHris and I!!!! Guess we're not important enough to make it onto your blog. Fine then! Ooooh, nice pictures of the creek by the way, must be really gorgeous out there. When Chris and I move out there with you and Tina you'll have to take us to all those places too!!!