Saturday, July 08, 2006

Sorry, first post in 8 days :(

A storm came up while I was out riding on Friday and it was really blowing good. I took this photo about the time I decided to head home.

Broadway bridge, notice how the tree on the left is really bent over good.

Dust blowing around in the streets.

Part of the aftermath.

I obviously didn't think it would be too safe for cycling at this point.

Wow, I'm really letting everyone down here, first post in 8 days. I want to thank everyone for sticking with me and continuing to read this. The fact is that a lot of the time now I'm putting in up to 16 hour days. The new job isn't hard but it requires a lot of waiting around. Couple that with subpar internet service at best and you get some pretty decent delays with my blog here. I got back to Saskatoon Wednesday and have been enjoying it a great deal ever since. I can't believe how I miss Tina and just being home. It makes it hard because she has been waiting til I get home to go places, and then all I really want to do is stick around home. Saskatoon has really blossomed with the wet weather and now a little bit of heat. My tomatoe plants were doing not bad until I left them out in the windstorm we had on Friday (see photos above) and the wind bent them all over, I did get some good tomatoes off them though. My first bike ride went good except for the rain, also I'm out of shape from a month of near inactivity so it took a while to get up to speed. Tina and I went to Batoche today and I have photos, but that post will have to wait until tomorrow. Also I'm planning a trip to Fort Carlton on Monday, so stay tuned for that. Until then, ride safe and have fun.

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