Friday, June 30, 2006

From the weekend

A small creek by Fish Lake.

Mom standing by crescent Falls.

Yours truly walking the log at Fish Lake (at least that is what I think it was called).

Mom and Dad parked on the side of the road so I can take photos of some sheep.

Yours truly again, this time climbing rocks, yes I like climbing rocks.

crescent Falls.

Myself, standing in front of the North Saskatchewan River.

Upper crescent Falls

Dad, trying to walk up the bank at crescent Falls

This photo looks like I was running in the woods.

Well Wednesday I got called to go out on a job, so I didn't get to do my blog until today. I finally realized today that I got internet in my room, which is very nice. I'm currently in Brooks, Alberta, staying at the Heritage Inn. Here are photo's from the weekend that I spent in Nordegg with Mom and Dad. I'm missing Tina very much, I hopefully will be heading back to Saskatoon on Wednesday. I'm missing going on rides too, but this is a totally different experience I guess. I would show everyone the truck we are driving right now, but I can't because I don't think I'm able to show the company truck on my blog. Anyway, I must go, ride safe everyone and have fun! Thanks for sticking with me during the slow parts too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making us stars, at least I didn't have my finger in my ear. That forest scene is very unusual, but I love the double Cresent Falls picture.