Sunday, March 05, 2006

Went skiing

The sun setting over the South Saskatchewan River valley.

This is why I was lazy on Saturday, this is a photo I took off our balcony of the back alley.

My friend Leo finally managed to haul me out to go skiing today :). We went skiing by Leo's house in Lawson Heights, I forgot my camera unfortunately so I was unable to have some photo's of the skiing for everyone. We did go for quite a ski, it was even harder because I put too much wax on my skis and they weren't sliding at all and it was pretty tough going. I scraped some of the wax off and then I was good to go. I don't think I will be riding for a while, there is a ton of snow out here and a lot of ice on the road, it is even scary driving around in the car, hopefully all that snow will melt away soon. Ride safe and have fun...........

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