Thursday, April 06, 2006

It's a bird!, It's a plane!!, It's......just my bike:)

Here are several photo's that I took off a parkade downtown, eight stories up.

Tina and I were downtown yesterday and I seen this parkade that was very high and a thought popped into my head, "Hey, I could ride my bike up there." I was headed to the library today and it's on the same street as the parkade so I rode my bike up 16 levels to the top and then hauled my camera out to take some photos of downtown Saskatoon. The ride down was even better although my back brake still isn't working as well as it should so it was a little scary in spots. I recently read an article in National Geographic call "After the Oil" and it was regarding the whole theory of "Peak Oil" and what we are going to do when we run out of oil or it gets so expensive nobody can afford it. They talked a lot about solar panels and wind generators and that interested me so I got a stack of books at the Library about solor and wind power, I'm going to look through them later. I think that if I got a house I would at least try the wind power, possibly solar too, perhaps in small scale just to cut the gas bill down in the winter time. Also today I took my car to the bank to get some money, on the way back from the bank I went down the back alley which is one of the most traveled back alleys in Saskatoon and for a few moments I thought I was Neil Armstrong piloting the Lunar Rover, I've never seen potholes that big, and you can't avoid them because they cover the entire surface of the road. The city claims it's fixing all the holes but I think they need to work a little harder at it. Also I found some flexiglass at Home Depot, they sell it in sheets that are perfect for what I need, so as soon as I get that I can start on the fairing. I probably won't post tomorrow because I have to leave for work early, but check in on Saturday, until then, ride safe and have fun !!!!

1 comment:

Gwen said...

Nice photos. Glad to see you're using the Library!