Wednesday, February 15, 2006

It's COLD out!

We got a windchill warning tonight, it is supposed to be -40Celsius with the windchill, but it will start to warm up tomorrow. I was going to go riding, but -40C is a little on the cold side for me :). So I went to the gym after work, did some weight lifting and then tonight I went on the treadmill for 24mins. I've been thinking about some things I want to do to the bike this summer. I believe I mentioned that I want to switch it to a 9spd drivetrain, this is easy, I just need to buy some chains. I was thinking of a trailer, but then the idea of towing a trailer long distance really didn't appeal to me. I've been thinking about panniers, I already have a rear rack, but I think I need a underseat rack to even out the balance of the bike. With a full rear rack it handles a little poorly. Terracycle makes underseat racks, they are a little pricey, I've been looking for cheaper alternatives, also it would be cool to find some underseat panniers that are cheaper too. Underseat panniers combined with some on the rear rack would make for a lot of hauling ability. I may go riding tomorrow, depending on the weather, so check back then. Ride safe and have fun!!

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