Thursday, February 09, 2006

POST NUMBER 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well this really is a milestone, post number 100. And to think that I don't even have photos today for everyone. :) Actually it looked like it was going to snow tonight when I headed out, so I left my camera at home. It was only -2C out, blowing hard, I did do 12.8kms though. It's been the first time in a while that I've gone on a ride wearing my fall jacket instead of my winter parka. I was quite warm with the exception of my ears which I should have covered better. I headed south tonight, down along Sask Ave. then up to the Exibition area. I headed home on 3rd St, which is one of my favorite ways to head back home when I'm in the south end of the city, I road the entire 4kms of 3rd St and only encountered one car. I did almost crash though, most of 3rd St was ice covered with a thin layer of snow, and it was pretty slippery, I started to slid but got my feet off the pedals fast enough to catch myself. I will probably be out again tomorrow night, unless it really snows or something, so ride safe and have fun until then.

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