Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Rans is busy again

Yours truely, my friend Julian took this with my new camera.

Same photo as below, just converted it to B&W on the camera.

Inside Dairy Queen on College Drive.

Our apartment is back to normal after the holidays.

It was pretty cold today, so I went for icecream! Went for coffee/icecream with Julian and Leo at College Drive Dairy Queen, I have to admit, I'm not much of a person for fast food places, but DQ is always good by me :) Those of you who hang out at
will be happy to know that everything is back to normal there again, just after Christmas they had a major problems switching servers, it looked like everything was going to fall to pieces, but they managed to pull through it okay and everything is back to normal now. Also Rans recumbents has come out with an interesting new 'bent, after the success of their Stratus XP with 26" wheels I guess that they decided to apply the same treatment to the Formula V2, it looks pretty awkward looking, but it is supposed to work good. Go to HERE and HERE for more pictures and information on this new bike. I still think that the Stratus XP is one of my dream machines, but the Formula 26 is something to also look at now. In the relm of dual 26" LWB 'bents there is only one other, the Lightfoot Ranger check it out HERE. Well now everyone has something to dream about on cold winter days, so until tomorrow, ride safe and have fun!

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